This resource includes all key vocabulary for the Grade 2 Ontario Health curriculum. All 5 Healthy Living strands are included.
Posters are 8.5″ x 11″ size and are available as colour and black & white copies (perfect for colouring!). A set of Word Wall format words is also included. Three Word Wall words fit on an 8.5″ x 11″ size paper for easy printing and are also available as colour and black & white copies.
We recommend printing these posters on cardstock to create a bulletin board to support each of your Health units.
Vocabulary included: Health, Body, Exercise, Sleeping, Allergies, Food Guide, Eating Patterns, Everyday Foods, Sometimes Foods, Proteins, Whole Grains, Fruits/Vegetables, Hunger/Thirst, Diabetes, Celiac Disease, Safety, EpiPen, Fire Hazard, Fire Escape Map, Emergency, 9-1-1, Internet, Respect, Bullying, Consent, Permission, Germs, Prescription, Non-prescription, Traditional Medicine, Medicine Cabinet, Pharmacy, Stomach Ache, Headache, Cold, Flu, Growing Up, Life Stages, Baby, Child, Teen, Adult, Oral Health, Relationship, Mental Health, Emotions, Love, Happiness, Sadness, Anger, Surprise, Fear, Five Senses, Brain, Coping, Mindfulness, Mindful Listening, Mindful Eating
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