This BUNDLE contains FIVE Grade 5 Health slide decks for Google Slides™.
All five Grade 5 Health strands are included: Healthy Eating, Personal Safety and Injury Prevention, Substance Use, Addictions, and Related Behaviours, Human Development and Sexuality, and Mental Health Literacy.
The slide decks include Instructional Slides, which have content that you can read and discuss with students. Also included are Interactive Slides (with answers), which have interactive components in “Edit” mode on Google Slides™. These slides could be completed as a class or assigned to students individually. Slides are NOT editable.
Healthy Eating topics covered (75 slides):
What is Nutrition?, What are Macronutrients?, What are Micronutrients?, Nutrition Labels and Ingredient Lists, Food Advertising, Loyalty Programs, Body Image, Dieting, Social Media
Personal Safety topics covered (71 slides):
What are Conflicts?, Threatening Situations, Fight, Flight or Freeze?, Communication Skills and Assertiveness, Refusal Skills, Coping Strategies, Self-Concept and Supportive People, Support Resources, Internet Safety, Cyberbullying
Substance Use topics covered (64 slides):
Substance Use, Alcohol, Cannabis, What is Intoxication?, Short- and Long-Term Effects of Alcohol, Substance Use Influences, Addiction, Nicotine, Peer Pressure
Human Development topics covered (71 slides):
What is Puberty?, What is Reproduction?, Female Reproductive System, Menstruation, Male Reproductive System, Spermatogenesis, Emotional Impacts of Puberty, Crushes and Relationships
Mental Health Literacy topics covered (59 slides):
What is Mental Health?, What is Stigma?, Supporting Others, Being Social, Sleep, and Mental Health, Coping Strategies, Mindfulness, Empathy, Mental Health in the Classroom, Mental Health Supports
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