This workbook covers the Living in Solidarity strand in the Grade 4 Catholic Religion curriculum for Ontario schools.
This workbook helps students understand the importance of authority in promoting the common good of society. Students will explore how Christian teachings call us to obey just laws that promote moral order and the well-being of the human community. Through reflective activities and discussions, students will examine how authority plays a role in maintaining peace and justice, and how their faith calls them to contribute to the common good.
Aligned with curriculum expectations, this resource also emphasizes the role of stewardship in creation. Students will learn about the gifts given to humanity and their responsibility to care for the natural world.
The workbook also highlights the Christian call to invite others to know Jesus Christ, fostering an understanding of salvation and the importance of sharing the Gospel with respect for all religions. This resource encourages students to think about their role in promoting justice, peace, and unity in the world.
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