This Country Infographic assignment can be used as a tool to explore cultural diversity within your classroom while also meeting media and literacy expectations. Students can choose a country from their family background or a country that interests them to explore for this task.
The task requires students to research various characteristics of their chosen country, including the political, social, geographical, and economic aspects. This research project connects to the Ontario curriculum expectations for Grade 5 Social Studies (Canada’s Government) and Grade 6 Social Studies (Canada and the Global Community).
An infographic template is provided, which students can use as a rough copy (and then create their infographic digitally) or as a good copy. Encourage your students to explore the world with this fun assignment!
Table of Contents:
- Assignment Overview
- K-W-L Chart
- Infographic Research: Geographical
- Infographic Research: Map
- Infographic Research: Political
- Infographic Research: Economic
- Infographic Research: Tourist Attraction
- Infographic Research: Social
- Infographic Research: Cultural Food
- Infographic Research: Research Summary
- Rubric
- Infographic – Front
- Infographic – Back
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