This FRENCH workbook covers the Grade 8 Fluids unit in the NEW 2022 Ontario Science curriculum (Matter and Energy).
Ce cahier d’exercices couvre l’unité Les fluides de la 8e année du NOUVEAU curriculum des sciences de l’Ontario 2022 (Matière et énergies).
Students will demonstrate an understanding of basic fluid mechanics, including the properties and uses of fluids. Topics covered include matter, fluids, displacement, density, weight, mass, volume, buoyancy and pneumatic and hydraulic systems.
Interactive, hands-on activities are explained, with follow-up worksheets included. There is a variety of readings, long and short answer questions, creative writing activities, and drawing prompts included to create a varied workbook suitable for many learning styles.
To support assessment practices, Ontario curriculum expectations (Strand A and C) are clearly identified on each page. A quiz is included at the end of the workbook.
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